The boy who changed life..

Alaa Alhomoud
3 min readNov 24, 2020

Once upon a time, there was a little boy from a small village whose name was Saleh. Saleh was raised by a poor family, and he lived in a small village where there was a shortage in resources. This boy was curious and had a lot of questions where no one knew how to answer him due to poor education. Everyone thought he was crazy because his curious mind didn’t make sense to them. Saleh had dreams, big dreams where he hoped one day he can be a Doctor, “I’ll do it someday!” he said.

His parents were extremely supportive and full of hope in their boy to change their life “you’re different, you will make it” they said. There was a man called Rahim, this man was one of the people who believed in Saleh. They had a small library in their village, and Rahim was Librarian. Saleh used to visit him almost every day to read the books until one day he has read it all, he was sad because he thought that this was it. Rahim saw him and felt bad, so he traveled one night and bought many, many books and spent all of his savings on buying the books. He went back to the village and invited Saleh and surprised him. Saleh was very happy, surprised, and overwhelmed by what he saw “Rahim! You did all of this for me!”, Rahim smiled and said “Sure kid, I see something special in you, and I know it will all be worth it in the future”, “I promise that I won’t disappoint you Rahim” Saleh said.

One day, Saleh read in one paper that there was a reading contest, so he got super excited, went by and immediately signed up. He practiced day and night, and Rahim was a big help to him and encouraged him. Weeks went by, and the contest day has arrived, Saleh was very nervous because he was intimated by other kids who got the best education and went to the greatest schools. The contest has begun and Saleh has submitted his participation. Days went like years to Saleh and finally, the day of announcing the winners has come. “The winner of the first place is… Saleh AlRashed! Congratulations!”, He couldn’t believe what he just heard “I did it! I did it!” he said to himself. After a month, one man showed up at Saleh’s door, his father went out and said “who are you?”, “Hello ser, can we talk?” the man said.

“Saleh! Saleh! Come!”, “yes, father?“ Saleh said. “You will not believe this my boy! You did it!” Saleh was confused... “There was a visitor today, he is Talent spotter he was there in the contest, he noticed you and was impressed by you. He offered a full scholarship in the best school in the city!” the father said. Saleh couldn’t bare himself from happiness and ran to tell Rahim. “I knew you had it, boy, you deserve it”.

10 years later...

Saleh became one of the best doctors in the country, and after achieving his goal he went back and visited the village to see Rahim. “Long time no see, mentor” Saleh said. Rahim raised his head to the familiar voice and couldn’t believe what he sees “Saleh! It’s been a decade! How are you, my son?”, “Thanks to god then you, my mentor.. I am one of the most successful people now” Saleh said. And so on, they went talking all night. Saleh didn’t come empty-handed, few months later he opened one of the biggest libraries in the world and named it after Rahim, and gave his parents all that they needed and more. And not only that he gifted his loved ones but also, he build schools and hospitals in honor of his village and helped to improve the living there, and changed the life of many kids in that village. And he had his favorite quote written on board of one of his schools: “success rests not only on ability, but upon commitment, loyalty, and pride” Vince Lombardi.



Alaa Alhomoud

Passionate and lover to everything related to science.